Thursday 14 April 2016

Strawberry : the fresh red healthy

Strawberry : the fresh red healthy


Strawberry is a type of fruit that is quite rare to encounter. Where habitat that can not grow all over the place to make the fruit fall into category one fancy fruit. The shape is very pretty and alluring, rosy color brings its own charm.

According to a study fruit contain enough high fiber but low in calories. Dietary fiber contained in the strawberries useful help to maintain the stability of the health and digestive system also lowers blood sugar levels.

Some anti-oxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids present in strawberries, which can counteract developments associated with age-related eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration are almost the same as the benefits of avocado.


According to research conducted by the WHO adult needs approximately 400 micro grams of folic acid in a single day, whereas for women who are pregnant need at least 800 micro grams of folic acid per day due to the intake of folic acid for pregnant women is very important. vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, sodium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, potassium, zinc, iron, folic acid, beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin K and ant-oxidant.

The increasing age of the person it will also greatly impact on the weakening of the function of brain and nerve tissue, and ultimately, the work function of the brain. Antioxidants contained in strawberries such as vitamin C and phytochemicals considered able to maintain and improve brain function.


Some info that you can, hopefully can help you. Do not forget to share information about the latest updates regarding the health benefits of fruit for us.