Thursday 14 April 2016

Avocado : healthy benefits and beauty

Avocado : healthy benefits and beauty


Avocado fruit of the family Lauraceae Persea bergenus has a Latin name Persea americana. This fruit originated in Central America and Mexico, but this time not a few who cultivate the fruit as plant monocultures or perkarangan home in tropical regions such as Central America and South America.

In the bark there is a compound that will provide brown color of a material or substance, usually a company engaged in manufacturing leather products utilize the bark as brown coloring.


Lutein in avocados are the highest levels of lutein compared to some other fruits equally have the privilege to sustain the health of the human body.

Lutein is a carotenoid part of that can be said is naturally produced in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts plants. Lutein such as the duty to maintain healthy eyesight human eye. Research also suggests that high levels of lutein in avocados can minimize the risk of disorders of the eye, especially cataracts and macular degeneration.


Avocados also contain a natural source of folate, which is very important for women who are pregnant for the health of the developing fetus when still in the stomach. A synthetic version of folic acid recommended for all women who are planning to become pregnant, and eating an avocado is a better choice is simple, tasty and natural.